Update on our Yulin Survivors, June 2020

From our sources on the ground, we can unfortunately confirm that dog and cat meat trucks were seen going toward Yulin, China for the Yulin Dog Meat Festival this last weekend. However, due to the on-going #COVID19 pandemic and the recent change in classification of dogs from live stock to companion animals, there was a further reduction in this year’s festival. 

Specifically, it has been reported from our team on the ground that there was very minimal live killing in Yulin as compared to years past (most occurred in the countryside and then were bought into the city), with consumption occurring mainly in private homes or in social distanced restaurants, without advertising that it is dog meat. At least 200 dogs were saved from one of the only trucks found, and are already in shelters across China. We continue to monitor the situation as the severely shortened Festival has already ended and have made room in our two China shelters to assist any dogs that may need help. 

We continue to be thankful for the support of our followers, supporters and allies in helping to not only create awareness over the last several years, but also helping to bring much needed change to this barbaric event. Although remnants of this Festival still exist, and we won’t rest until it’s eradicated forever, it has been significantly reduced from a 10 day festival, with 10,000 dogs being slaughtered during the week. 

With your help, we have helped pass House Resolution 401 in 2018 that urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade. Additionally, we are working alongside Congressman Hastings and Congressman Buchanan to end the global torture of dogs and cats.

To continue to help our mission, please click the links below to help our Yulin Survivors and demand an end to illegal slaughterhouses and wet markets globally.


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